Our office was in the process of researching ways to soundproof our exam rooms. A representative from a company that specializes in soundproofing offices quoted us almost $9,000.00 to have three of our exam room walls completely torn down and rebuilt from floor to ceiling/roof. Not only was the cost for this work expensive but we would be unable to see patients for 1-2 weeks.
We heard about Building Systems Solutions, Inc. and inquired with them about soundproofing. WOW!! They were WONDERFUL!! The sound-proofing was installed in just a few hours. Not only did we have the three exam rooms done, we had six additional areas done that we hadn’t even considered. This system is top notch. We HIGHLY recommend Building Systems Solutions, Inc. The cost was approximately one third of what we were quoted by the other company.
We have become so accustomed to having this extremely quiet system running. We notice immediately when the controller has not been turned on. It is nice not to overhear what is being discussed in other areas of our office.
We would strongly recommend Building Systems Solutions, Inc. to any office where privacy is an issue.
Thank you Building Systems Solutions!!
Minneapolis Plastic Surgery, Ltd.
Minneapolis, MN